Shop on our main website
Dear customers
Our website will no longer be updated as of May 1 because our team does not have the time to monitor them. we've stopped updating, but we won't shut it down. You can still buy our current products, but if you'd like to keep up with our new product updates, visit our main website at . There, you'll find a larger selection of items. If you'd like to buy any of them, share your shopping cart with me, and I will calculate the price for you.
Thank you so much for your long-time support, if you any question, please free feel to contact me.
Thank you!
Purchase process on our main website:
1., (click on this link) ,
2. Add item to cart, click on checkout, then click on "share a link to your cart",
3. Copy the link and contact us, we'll calculate the price for you.
Thank you!